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  • Writer's pictureKevin

Design Prototype #2 - Enter The Beast!

After reading through the rules for this year's competition, one of the things that struck us was the size of the sheep. They're freakin' big.

The robot is allowed to be 30 x 22.5cm. The sheep have to be 15 x 7.5cm. So how does such a small robot carry around a herd of massive sheep?

Okay, maybe you're supposed to carry them around one at a time, but I'm excited by the idea of finding a way to collect them all in one go.

This was my first attempt:

The design came from the question "how much of the robot's guts can we put up and out of the way to make more room for sheep?"

The answer... not very much. I mean, you can see that the BrickPi and the battery pack are up and out of the way, but with those big thick power wheels at the front, there's still only enough room for two sheep underneath.

Check that... leaving enough room for a 15cm sheep, plus two fat wheels, and we're 29cm wide. We're over the limit.

Still, any night building Lego robots is time well spent.

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