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Dec 31, 20221 min read
There is no 2023, only Zuul
Team STEV3 found themselves hurling through the time circuits at an excruciatingly slow pace, their chrono-displacement cyber-technology...
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Jun 15, 20224 min read
Final Thoughts of 2022
Welp, that about wraps things up. The crops are fed, the cows are harvested, and the wolves have been milked. I wonder what wolf milk...
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Jun 10, 20222 min read
It's time to reignite the centuries-old debate. Will Robots Replace Gardeners? Sure, we all know that eventually robots will rise up and...
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Jun 8, 20222 min read
Ladies, gentlemen and cyborgs, we were inspired today by Sir Bezos to automate the Nature’s Bounty challenge in order to eradicate human...
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Jun 3, 20222 min read
Couldn't hit a Barn Door
Now that it's June and we're in the middle of GCSEs, we have just been slapped in the face by how little time we have left. We decided...
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May 28, 20221 min read
Goodbye Stacker, Hello Slapper
We're back at the sheep with the stick of yesterday's failure washed off like one of those get-in-the-shower-with-all-your-clothes-on...
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May 27, 20221 min read
VIDEO: Sheep Stacker Fail
I'm very displeased to report that the Sheep Stacker was a massive failure. Cause of failure: the rubber bands. (Second cause of failure:...
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May 25, 20221 min read
VIDEO: The Sheep Stacker Works!
Please enjoy this staggering work of engineering genius. I am so proud of this.
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May 20, 20222 min read
CHALLENGE COMPLETE: The Apples are Harvested!
We've got apples. The apple claw sort of worked well, but it sort of didn't. Like the Rice Dispenser, it came with its own set of...
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May 19, 20222 min read
Tales from the Whatsapp - A Question of Conflicts
I'm just going to start by dropping the Whatsapp in here and then explain what's going on. So here's what's going on... Tomorrow's the...
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May 13, 20221 min read
Tales from the Whatsapp - A Question of Control
If you saw the blog post entitled "Absolute Control", you'll see we came up with an interesting idea of using the analog stick to drive...
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May 7, 20222 min read
Absolute Control!
For the best driving experience from our PS4 controller, we want to have smooth intuitive commands from the analog stick. There's the...
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May 6, 20223 min read
At our previous meet up we hooked up our Cattle Feed trailer for the first time and tried to do the Hungry Cattle challenge. The number...
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May 5, 20221 min read
VIDEO: Expectation vs Reality
Yesterday I posed the question about steering. Which way should the robot turn is the analog stick is at a hard 90? Clockwise or...
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May 3, 20222 min read
Tales from the Whatsapp - A Question of Expectation
Here's a good conversation about programmer logic vs user logic I thought was worth sharing with everybody. This bit of the conversation...
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May 2, 20222 min read
VIDEO: Light Tracking Thingamajig
Late one fateful Tuesday eve I was contemplating deer safety, I had analysed one of the most pertinent threats that modern deer face: to...
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Apr 28, 20221 min read
Sheep Stacker II: The Stack gets Sheepier!
The Stev3 Sheep stacker can fit six now. One of them has to ride in the scooper section though. ...but that's ok because the sheep love...
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Apr 26, 20222 min read
Apples: Think Different.
After the last attempt at Nature's Bounty, one thing was perfectly clear. We needed a new tree. Here's why. This janky-ass lame-ass...
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Apr 23, 20221 min read
VIDEO: Sheep Stacker Origins
You want Agri-tech? I give you Agri-Tech! BEHOLD! THE SHEEP STACKER! Lego farm equipment at its finest! I know deep down in my heart of...
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