EOIN: This week I started working with pseudocode.
Now what is pseudocode? Pseudocode is a preliminary stage of coding. It consists of making notations in something resembling a very simplistic coding language. However, it isn't a language and can't be run by any software.
Firstly, for the task I am focusing, I had to make a list of all the things that the robot actually
needs to do. This consists of:
Driving forward - two motors on opposite sides must rotate forwards at the same speed
Driving backwards - two motors on opposite sides must rotate backwards at the same speed
Turning on the spot - two motors on opposite sides must rotate at opposite directions
Shooting - this really depends on the design of the robot, but for my design this would be pulling back a bar
Waiting (for being reloaded) - this is all done in the code by importing a time library to python and using a wait command
And here's how I pseudocoded these commands: