(During lockdown, Our team communicates mostly through Slack. Tales from the Slack are long posts from the mentors to team members. They sum up the last Virtual Meet Up, and provide a focus for progress for the upcoming week. For the purposes of the this blog, they provide a good update on the team's progress.)
I've just set the channel topic to our regular Google meeting room.I've got a business meeting from 5pm-6pm tonight, but you should all get started at 6pm and I will join you as soon as I can afterward.Pi Wars has just posted the complete list of Team Blogs: https://piwars.org/2021-vpw/blogging-teams-for-pi-wars-2021/
Let's make tonight focused on getting our blog up to snuff.
Send a short description of yourself. Be as weird as you like.
Send a photo of yourself to replace the stock photos
Send any robo photos you may have
Write a post about your challenge, and about what you thought about last week to solve your challenge.
Write some intro stuff about the team, the challenge, the club, what we've done in the past, the 2019 event, etc
Spend the rest of the time looking at other team's blogs to see what sort of content they are providing and steal all their good ideas.
Let's not be afraid to be silly, but don't lose sight of the fact that we're supposed to be clever young problem solvers with smart solutions to robotics problems. Don't be so silly you forget to be smart.