With the tasks out of the way and the blog full of funny and intelligent stories there was only one thing left to do... the Technical & Artistic Design Video.

Figure 1.1 Stev3's head is 16 feet high.
In the video you need to present your robot to the judges to show how you built it and why you made the decisions you made about the design. The design presentation is worth just as many points as each of the tasks: 1500 points!
On our last Google meet up, we made a list of all the things we needed to talk about, like the base robot, the code, the attachments for all the tasks, and how we went about solving problems during lockdown. Kevin took all this information and put it into a script and divided the script between us all, so we could record it from home, upload it and it could be edited together.
Figure 1.2 - Behind the scenes of the Stev3 Cast

Figure 1.3 - Stev3 and some of his attachments
I think everybody's recorded theirs now. I am looking forward to seeing the final result.